Knockout Mouse Catalog | Cyagen APAC
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  4. Weekly Flash Sales - Live KO & cKO Mice

As the popularity of our Cyagen AI Knockout Mouse Model eBank has rapidly grown, we want to promote accessibility of these models to more researchers. To support this goal, we are now offering limited stocks of select knockout (KO) mouse models to researchers at a significant savings and with expedited delivery.

Cyagen’s Weekly Flash Sales for Knockout Models will provide a list of specific gene knockout (KO) mice that are available until the “off-the-shelf date” at a substantial discount. For consultation and order, please call 86 20-31601779 or email


Eligibility: End clients in Asia Pacific region, excluding Japan.

Eligible Products Promotion Price
Knockout Catalog Models $999/mouse
Conditional Knockout Catalog Models $1,899/mouse
Search the Flash Sale for Your Gene
February 17th - February 23rd
Gene Name NCBI Gene ID Project Type Strain Background Application Field Off the Shelf Date Order Now
Check back regularly for our updated listings of KO/cKO mice available at a savings – your gene of interest could be included next!
Applications for KO Mice

Studies of gene function

Absence of gene activity can elucidate the biological roles of a gene and its potential participation in pathogenesis of human disease. Providing in vivo data on the mechanism of action (MOA) can improve the significance of your publications and even expedite results.

Target discovery and confirmation

Data from in vitro experiments are not reliable enough on their own; in vivo data is required to validate the target for a successful drug development program.

Verifying compound specificity

The primary cause of drug failures is attributed to non-specificity, which may cause dangerous off-target effects. KO models can remove a functional protein target, providing an in vivo system to detect potential off-target effects of an antagonist.