With CRISPR-AI Knockout Mouse Sperm Bank, Cyasgen has successfully established and cryopreserved over 6,800 custom KO strains from mouse sperm, covering 90% of hot genes. Also offer over 200 ready-to-ship live KO mice strains, only $4,599 (includes shipping fee). Choose from our stock and get your desired live knockout mice delivered and shipped in as fast as 2 weeks.
Service | Deliverables | Description | Price ($/Strain) |
Live KO mice | A pair of KO mice | One male, one female | $4,599 |
Two pairs of KO mice | Two males, two females | $5,599 |
Note: Quoted prices include shipping costs and the offer is available for end clients only. Distributors should please contact us for more information.
The following is the selected gene list of live KO mouse strains which have been frequently requested.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
2 | ANGPTL8 | AOAH | AQP1 | AQP4 | AQP5 | ARIH1 | ASGR1 | ATP5B | ATPAF1 | ATPAF2 |
3 | BANF2 | BTNL9 | CARS | CCR7 | CCT4 | CD209A | CD47 | CD84 | COL10A1 | CTCFL |
4 | DDX17 | DENND3 | DES | DEXI | DHODH | DOCK6 | DRD2 | DYRK4 | EHD4 | ELF1 |
5 | FAM220A | FBLN5 | FGF21 | FKBP5 | FMOD | FNDC5 | FST | GDI2 | GJC3 | GPR183 |
6 | GRPR | HES2 | HTR4 | IFNGR1 | IL11 | IL12RB1 | IL17RE | IL25 | INPP4B | IRAK1 |
7 | IRF7 | ITGBL1 | JTB | KDM4B | KDM5A | KLF9 | KPNA2 | LTB4R2 | MCAM | MEGF9 |
8 | METTL14 | METTL16 | METTL3 | MID1 | MLKL | MS4A3 | MTNR1A | MTNR1B | MXD4 | MYOM2 |
9 | NCAPG | NDUFS7 | NFATC2 | NPFFR2 | NR4A1 | OLR1 | OSBPL2 | OTUB2 | OTUD3 | PADI4 |
10 | PARK2 | PCBP2 | PDAP1 | PECAM1 | PGAM5 | PHF6 | PIEZO2 | PPARA | PPP1R13B | PRRX2 |
11 | PTGIS | PYCR1 | REG4 | RFPL4 | RIPK3 | RPS6KA6 | RSAD2 | S100A10 | SETD4 | SIRT3 |
12 | SIRT5 | SKINT2 | SKIV2L2 | SLC10A1 | SLC25A23 | SLC2A10 | SLC7A2 | SLPI | SOD3 | SPEM2 |
13 | SPINK7 | SPNS2 | SQSTM1 | STC1 | SUCNR1 | SYT7 | TBXA2R | TICAM2 | TMCC2 | TMCO3 |
14 | TMEM63A | TMEM63B | TMEM63C | TMEM94 | TNFRSF11B | TNFSF10 | TREM2 | TRIM59 | TRIM67 | TRMT6 |
15 | TSPYL5 | USP26 | WNT7A | XAF1 | YTHDF1 | YTHDF3 | ZDHHC18 | ZHX2 | ZNRF1 | ZZEF1 |
—— Can’t Find Your Desired Strains? ——
—— How to Order? ——

86 20-31601779
We will respond to you in 1-2 business days.
—— Key Benefits ——

Free shipping
Free door-to-door delivery
to your animal facility.

Rapid turnaround
Live mice ready in
as fast as 2 weeks

100% gene knockouts

High quality
Highest standards of animal
health and genetic quality

Easy to purchase
Order your desired
strains in seconds
—— Cyagen’s Advantages ——

Over 12 years of experience
in custom animal model

Working with over 1,000
bioscience institutions
throughout the world

Over 2,300 citations
in SCI journals

Over 26,000 animal models
delivered to date

Our facility can house
up to 150,000 SPF animals

Nature 530:108 (2016) IF= 40.137
Nat Genet 48:427 (2016) IF= 31.616
Cancer Cell 31:697 (2017) IF= 27.407
Nat Immunol 18:214 (2017) IF= 21.506