Knockout Mouse Catalog | Cyagen APAC

4th Annual Conference of the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)

Date: Sep 12, 2016

4th International Annual Conference of the German Stem Cell Network (GSCN)

The conference will focus on genome engineering and on “translation” with various relevant aspects including disease modelling and drug development, relevant technologies, clinical trials, regulatory affairs and ethical aspects. The conference will be accompanied by a Symposium of ethicists on pressing questions in gene, embryo and stem cell research, will foster the interaction between scientists working in different areas of stem cell research, and aims to bring together basic scientists and clinician scientists.

Come visit our booth at GSCN to learn more about us!

Time: 12-14 September, 2016

Location: Hannover Medical School (MHH)

               Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1

               30625 Hannover, Germany


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