Knockout Mouse Catalog | Cyagen APAC

With the growing amount of coronavirus research accomplished by researchers globally, the value of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) across many relevant research fields has been confirmed. According to big data analytics, the degree of coronavirus infection varies among different genders and different age groups. This review focusing on the analysis of the reasons behind the age preference and gender differences in patients with COVID-19 worldwide mainly from the following two perspectives:


1. Analysis of Age Preference of the SARS-CoV-2

2. Analysis of Gender Difference of the SARS-CoV-2

  • Unhealthy Habits and Lifestyles - Smoking
  • Unhealthy Habits and Lifestyles - Drinking alcohol
  • Underlying Diseases


The above analysis can explain the reason why there are more males infected with new coronavirus than women in the survey for COVID-19 research. To conclude, we cannot define the infection of SARS-CoV-2 with gender tropism unilaterally, but control and prevent the disease from more scopes. In other words, the invasion of SARS-CoV-2/coronavirus itself to the human body has no necessary connection with gender. Last but not least, all we need to bear in mind that - cherish ourselves and beloved, develop good habits.





Animal Models for COVID-19 Research – ACE2, DPP4, APN and other coronavirus targets

In exploring the process of human-susceptible viral diseases, mouse models play an important role in revealing how viruses cause pathological changes and related mechanisms such as the body's immune response.

Cyagen is opening orders on models for hot coronavirus receptor targets - ACE2, DPP4, APN, TMPRSS2 and CD147 etc, including humanized, knockout (KO), and ROSA26 knockin (KI) mouse models on C57BL/6 and BALB/c backgrounds. In addition, we can also provide with vector construction for coronaviruses, cell lines models and lentivirus pseudotyping services. From vector construction to mouse models, Cyagen COVID-19 One-Stop Solution is offering you high-quality products and services in helping your research in coronavirus. 


About Cyagen:

As a global leading animal model business service company, Cyagen provides major gene knockout (KO), gene knockin (KI), conditional knockout (cKO), and other model construction services  in superior quality and full guarantee. With the introduction of Cyagen AI Knockout Mouse Model eBank, we continue to expand our services in order to provide the most comprehensive offerings for both research institutions and pharmaceutical corporations. The company and its products and services have been cited in over 3,600 papers cross highly reputed publications and journals including Cell, Nature, Science and more - all in under 15 years.

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