Knockout Mouse Catalog | Cyagen APAC

Conditional knockout (cKO) mice can be used to study specific gene functions and related human diseases. Compared with traditional knockout (KO) mice, conditional knockout mice are obtained with a gene that deleted only in specific tissues or on an inducible basis. Compared with constitutively expressed gene mutations, conditional models provide greater temporal and regional control of gene expression – often serving as a more accurate model for studying human diseases.


What are Conditional Knockout (cKO) Mice?

Conditional knockout (cKO) mice are genetically engineered animal models in which certain gene is inactivated in a specific tissue or on an inducible basis. Researchers can understand certain gene functions through time or tissue specific deletion to study the mechanisms of human disease.


What Applications are Conditional Knockout Mice Used For?

Conditional knockout (cKO) mice are crucial tools for revealing gene functions, gaining proper understanding of human disease mechanisms, and verifying compound specificity. Conditional knockout (cKO) mouse models also allow precise control of gene expression for a functional protein target, providing an in vivo system to evaluate potential off-target effects of a drug.

Take, for example, Raly conditional knockout mouse - the liver-specific deletion of hnRNP Raly presents lower serum cholesterol and hepatic lipid content in the described mouse model. Further in vivo genome-wide mapping of RALY-binding pattern and interrogation of chromatin architecture have provided insights into the cooperative interactions of RALY, as well as its preferential binding patterns at gene promoter regions. DNA binding results suggest that RALY may be influencing cholesterogenesis by modulating collaborative interactions with transcriptional coactivators at the Srebp2 promoter.


How Are Conditional Knockout Mice Generated?

Conditional knockout (cKO) models are often referred to as ‘floxed’ models due to the use of Cre/lox system in their development. The Cre-Lox recombination system enables the generation of tissue-specific or inducible knockouts with a high level of control over the spatial and temporal expression of genes, and greatly improves the efficiency and specificity in generating conditional mouse.

Here is the workflow of Cre-Lox system:

workflow of Cre-Lox system | Cyagen 

For more details about how conditional models are developed, visit our Introduction to the Cre-Lox Recombination System article.


Cyagen’s Capabilities Conditional Knockout Mouse Generation

Custom Conditional Knockout Mice

TurboKnockout® for Conditional Knockout Mice

    • No patent risk: Technology of choice for drug development projects
    • Success rate: 100% guaranteed germline transmission (GLT)
    • Turnaround time: Founders as fast as 6-8 months
    • Limitless loxP: No size limitations for your floxed region
    • 100% Money-Back Guarantee on TurboKnockout® projects


Cyagen CRISPR-Pro Technology for Conditional Knockout Mice

    • Large fragment: Fragments up to 15kb knockin and 500kb knockout
    • Precise: Express your target gene accurately and precisely
    • High efficiency: Improved HDR efficiency by using our unique fertilized mouse eggs process
    • Guarantee: 100% money-back guarantee


Cyagen Expert Consultation >>


If you are planning generating conditional knockout mice, Cyagen’s experts can provide you with in-depth technical support and discuss your project plans. We also provide customize model generation strategies, helping develop your gene therapy research to publish high-impact articles.


Cyagen Knockout (KO) Catalog Models Repository

Over 16,000 ready-to-use knockout (KO) and conditional knockout (cKO) mouse models are available from the Cyagen AI Knockout Mouse Model eBank with the following advantages compared to other KO repositories:

  • Validated genome, guaranteed models (Reducing risk)
  • 100% pure C57BL/6 background (Not mixed)
  • Delivered in as few as 7 weeks (Fast turnaround)
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